marți, 7 februarie 2012

Wasp waist and rich men

Wasp waist and rich men: Option nature?

 Every woman wants a wasp waist, every man wants a womanhourglass. Even to the point that we all agree.

In contemporary society pressures you to comply with sometimes impossible standards of appearance and status often causedeviations on what is considered attractive. But fashion and fadsweather are not as strong as we think, they speculate only things that are innate. What I mean?.

To think of men who have a fetish for sex dolls or Barbieconformation of 20 years young married to billionaires 78 years.They are all crazyhuhBut David McRaney shows us that things are not so meaningful in a book entitled "You are not so smart".

Biologists and psychologists interested in sexual behavior were observed not only in humans but throughout the animal kingdomas an important factor when our survival is not overly bother uson the contrary we like even more. This is the explanation for somebirds abandon their nest eggs and occupies other birds that have eggs larger than theirsAccording to evolutionary theoryif our ancestors struggling in the wild to procure food rich in caloriesand when they found a dispatchthen you no you can not help butHapa fries and hamburgers.

Therefore, when a man associated with survival, in this case withreproduction, and find a better example in nature, more beautiful,more beautiful, like a slimmer waistline than your ancestors couldever dream, it will be overstimulated .

McRaney results of studies cited in his book David Buss, a psychologist who has focused on women's and men'spreferences in choosing a life partner. What he discovered wasthat when men are asked to tell immediately if a woman isattractive or not, the most important criterion in their decision is the ratio of waist-hips: when size is about 70% of hips, a dot, thatlights are turned on in the mind of men. A class of 67 to 80% of the size of her hips is a sign that she is healthy and can make copies, so that men know him unconscious. No one taught,wisdom is not told from father to son, is something that all men know instinctively: small waist and big hips are good!

But to reach impossible fetish for narrow waist - in naturea woman can have from birth a waist so small that it can not make copies is so insignificant in the brains of men not rooted idea that there would never be attracted the super narrow waistNature did not have to impose a limit.

Therefore, between a small and an even smaller men tend to be attracted by the latterAs this woman with size of 50 cmobtained by painful up tight for years, children can not get to be irrelevant ..although just what was the reason for man looks at that woman to see if it's a good partner with whom to reproduceHere's how toget superstimulii fantasies and turn against us.

Another thing that we call attention to psychologists is the habit ofrocking our hips when we want to seem more appealingThis is atrick that I developed to trick them men that have size smaller thanhe is.

Barbie dolls, anime characters and ancient fertility statues are allgiven as examples of McRaney asimpossible versions ofwomen "in which both new men seduced by the magic let uswaist-hip ratio. In advertisingPhotoshop works wonders andfashion women starve and shape their bodies to recover thatfigure so crazy.

Last yearVogue Italia had Stella Tennant on the cover of a large valve that caused pictorialThe model of 40 yearsmother of fourchildren, 63-cm waist recreated in the image of Ethel Grangermagazine (pictured here), the woman who holds the record forthe narrowest waist - 33 cmVery closely tied downTennantmanaged to illustrate the controversial character who represented Ethel Granger in beauty history.

Ethel came to the size of 33 cm after 10 years of relentlesscorsets worn day and night. Have body piercings in the nose, lips and nipples and wearing very high heels. Why all this? For loveror husband who believes that female body mutilated, tortured with instruments fashion, extremely attractive.

But to talk about our desires. How are women in this scheme?What is our superstimulul? A tall, solid, any doctor and fortune.Therefore, we encourage any social status that exceeds the limit:financial strength, privileged position in society, ambition, safety,intelligence, commitment, height. It's an amalgam of social and physical characteristics. It impresses us pretty boys with no futurethan the short term, but we put bad thoughts guys with money in the bank and 3 car garage. I said no because we are perfect.

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